News & Blog

Social Report, the results from the North of Macedonia
CES Academy, the partner from Skopje, North Macedonia, implemented the Social Report (PR1) with diverse target groups in order to catch on the state of

Social Report, what the results from Germany?
Wisamar, the partner in Leipzig, Germany, has talked to many migration experts, self-employed people and migrated women as part of the project, especially for the

Social Reporting, the results from Portugal
In Portugal, APSU implemented Project Result 1 with different target groups to understand the current state of migrant women in the country. To achieve this,

What results has social reporting produced?
The WINBIZ Social Report aims to build a solid scientific basis for the development and contextualization of PR2, PR3 and PR4, through processes that will

Online workshop organised by CES
Within the framework of the WINBIZ project, on February 10, 2023, an informative online workshop was held with mentors, social workers and volunteers who provide support

Migrentrepreneurs, the interesting podcast series
Migrentrepreneurs is an interesting podcast series presenting extraordinary life stories of migrants who decided to start a business in France or in Germany. The Franco-German podcast

Female Migrant Entrepreneurship in Portugal, opportunities, challenges and strategies
The second edition of the “Female Migrant Entrepreneurship in Portugal – Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies” webinar, promoted by the High Commissioner for Migrations (ACM), took

Women’s Entrepreneurship EXPO 2022
Launched in 2021, the Women’s Entrepreneurship EXPO is a unique partnership platform to promote women’s entrepreneurship ecosystem building in the Europe and Central Asia region.

What are the biggest hurdles for starting a business as a person with a migration background or history in Germany?
Starting a business is a very complex process that can be hard for anybody. However, for people with a migration history, there are additional hurdles