Social Reporting, the results from Portugal

In Portugal, APSU implemented Project Result 1 with different target groups to understand the current state of migrant women in the country. To achieve this, they followed the script the partner responsible for the result gave and conducted various activities in different formats. These activities began with contacting migrant women to understand their backgrounds, actions, […]
What results has social reporting produced?

The WINBIZ Social Report aims to build a solid scientific basis for the development and contextualization of PR2, PR3 and PR4, through processes that will concern the acquisition and sharing of references and verified knowledge, based on both a theoretical perspective and a data-based quantitative and qualitative research. It shall emphasize and clarify the training […]
Online workshop organised by CES

Within the framework of the WINBIZ project, on February 10, 2023, an informative online workshop was held with mentors, social workers and volunteers who provide support for the integration of people with a migrant background. The workshop was attended by representatives of the Red Cross organization from the RSM, and representatives from the organizations Lesya Ukrainka […]
Migrentrepreneurs, the interesting podcast series

Migrentrepreneurs is an interesting podcast series presenting extraordinary life stories of migrants who decided to start a business in France or in Germany. The Franco-German podcast series „Migrentrepreneurs“ is a joint project of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and the Association of French-German Voices of Youth. Discussions with academics, policymakers and private actors are taking […]
Female Migrant Entrepreneurship in Portugal, opportunities, challenges and strategies

The second edition of the “Female Migrant Entrepreneurship in Portugal – Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies“ webinar, promoted by the High Commissioner for Migrations (ACM), took place at the end of September 2022. The session was attended by the Secretary of State for Equality and Migration, Isabel Almeida Rodrigues, and the High Commissioner for Migration, Sónia […]
Women’s Entrepreneurship EXPO 2022

Launched in 2021, the Women’s Entrepreneurship EXPO is a unique partnership platform to promote women’s entrepreneurship ecosystem building in the Europe and Central Asia region. EXPO provides an interactive space for women entrepreneurs, investors and private sector representatives for networking and collaboration, peer learning, ideas generation, capacity building and business development. In addition, the platform […]
What are the biggest hurdles for starting a business as a person with a migration background or history in Germany?

Starting a business is a very complex process that can be hard for anybody. However, for people with a migration history, there are additional hurdles that should be taken into consideration when planning consultations, trainings or the establishment of supportive structures. Hurdles, especially for first-generation migrant founders, are: Lack of networks 34.5% Bureaucratic hurdles after […]
Women entrepreneurship, a video session

In the frame of the Skills Development and Employability Support pillar of the Harmonising Protection Practices in Greece (HARP), ASB hosted the Hellenic Open University (HOU) Research Group DAISSy – Dynamic Ambient Intelligent Sociotechnical Systems – for an info-session on Women entrepreneurship. With the support of DG HOME and in cooperation with IOM. Have a look at […]
Migrant Mothers in Europe: Celebrating Mothers‘ Month Together

May 8th marked Mothers‘ Day in many European countries, and it represented a reminder that migrant women are among this vast and diverse group of women in Europe, who are mothers. In May 2022, in the frames of the AMIF-funded project MUMS AT WORK, the European Network of Migrant Women ran an awareness campaign about, […]
Why was born WINBIZ project?

The integration of migrant women or women with non-Western backgrounds into the European context is an essential step towards achieving the goal of raising the EU employment rate to 78%, as called for in the Europe 2030 Strategy. In general, the impact that the employment of immigrant individuals can have on the growth and GDP […]